How To Use Active sav, UserCustom, Usersetting etc Complete On PUBG Mobile
Some people might just know how to work active sav and config. You thought maybe config and active sav only existed in the pubgm mobile game, apparently not.
honestly, all games have some kind of active sav or special graphics configuration for running games. so you know, you can enter the data folder in your game.
For example in the mobile pubg game. The way to move and find out the location of the sav and config active files is quite easy, by entering the following:
Please extract the file if the format is Zip / RAR configuration or active sav. for files that directly formatted "this" or "sav" just move to the next step
Active Sav Installation:
Copy the file, Go to the Android folder> data> com.tencent.ig> files> UE4Games> ShadowTrackerExtra> ShadowTrackerExtra (again)> saved> savegames (paste here)Installation of config (UserCustom.ini) and UserSetting.ini:
Copy the file, Go to the Android folder> data> com.tencent.ig> files> UE4Games> ShadowTrackerExtra> ShadowTrackerExtra (again)> saved> config> Android (paste here)if not successful, make sure the file name is correct. For example, if the name
Active Sav is different, change its name to "Active.sav"
For pubgm config, if it is different from "UserCustom.ini" change it to "UserCustom.ini"
For usersetting change to "UserSettings.ini"
If you still can't make sure the size of the file name is the same.